Eating sugar just may damage your health over
the course of your life and cause an early death
depending on how much you consume. Some
researchers say any amount you consume is
too much, given the nature of humans to abuse
what makes them feel good, and other
researchers say moderation is enough to keep
sugar on your table. Who is right? It’s a matter
of opinion since no one will agree on findings
from all the research that has been done.
The main difference is that fructose, found in fruits and which we almost never
consume in a pure state by itself is not the same as refined white sugar or sucrose,
which has glucose bonded to pure fructose. In the past, people who lived in the
parts of the world where sugar cane grew, would chew on the pieces of the cane
sugar stalk to extract the sweetness, not getting the pure extracted sucrose in the
quantities we consume it in today.
As sugar cane production spread by conquering civilizations and sugar refinement
improved, the addition of purer sucrose/fructose sugar to our diet increased. Soon,
companies were using refined sugar to make all kinds of products for our sweet
tooth. In the 1800s new inventions and processes were born: Hershey chocolate and
the candy industry, Jell-o, Coca-Cola and the soda industry, the invention of the Ball
canning jar and the need for pure sucrose sugar to can with, and so on.
High fructose corn syrup, invented in the 1970s to circumvent the high price of
refined sucrose sugar by the soda industry, and sucrose, though different in
chemistry, affect the body the same way. When we eat a large volume of sugar (or
HFCS) at once, say when eating a slice of frosted birthday cake, or drinking a single
12-ounce can of soda; our bodies are overwhelmed. The liver reacts by storing
excess fructose as fat as fast as it can, but the overflow goes straight into our
bloodstream and triggers a call for insulin to have the sugar deposited into the cells
for energy production. That is the “high” from a sugar rush.
As the body tries to cope with the ocean of sugar left, the liver and kidneys try to
process it out of our bodies as fast as it can, first as fat storage, then as urine. If the
pancreas has not been able to produce enough insulin to rid the bloodstream of
sugar, the sugary blood circulates in the body, bringing an overload of sugar to all
the organs, making them work overtime. This is the sugar “low” we feel as the body
cannot absorb any more sucrose or turn it into energy. Our insulin stops working to
clear the bloodstream of sucrose overload and our cells become “insulin resistant”.
We feel tired and want to go to sleep. The high blood sugar starts to damage our
organs and body systems and functions over time.
Metabolic Syndrome is the disease that consistent high blood sugar brings on and is
the underlying cause of obesity and insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes, and
eventually leads to heart disease, kidney disease and cancer. No researchers can
define what amount of sugar consumption is too much or what a daily dose should
be. We are on our own to eliminate refined sugar and to stop the diseases that
follow sugar consumption, ourselves.
Health Related Issues From Eating Sugar