Information leaked by corporate and government insiders and new scientific studies show that our basic food supply is laced with a deadly toxic chemical that seeps deep into living cells and kills them by destroying their cell structure, biologically, from within. Evidence shows that this chemical agent first began appearing in our food in 1996 and now, less than 20 years later, it’s present in over 90% of our food supply (with government approval and little or no over-site). Never in recorded history has there been the epidemic of health issues facing us today such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes, auto-immune diseases, gut disorders,  autism and infertility were rare or unheard of in the general population before 1996. Today, processed foods, gluten, sugar, milk and additives are being blamed for most allergies and chronic diseases. Although some of these foods may not have been around before 1996 – most of the food that was safely consumed prior to 1996 would now be considered unhealthy. Foods such as simple carbohydrates, bread (including the gluten), corn, sugar, candy, soda pop, as well as milk, processed meats and fast foods were part of everyday life in 1996. So what has changed? Why were these foods considered healthy and nutritious in 1996 but not today? While it is a common belief that today’s current chronic disease and health crises are all caused by multiple, unconnected agents such as food allergies, environmental pollutants, gluten, dairy, sugar and prescription antibiotics, it’s much more reasonable that these chronic diseases and challenging health problems all have one common root cause. Fortunately, the Paleo diet, organic and most natural whole foods provides a ready defence and solution for this food contamination. Following is an introduction to what Paleo is all about and how it can protect us from The Devil's Brew.

Poison In Our Food - Recovery

Vital Health News Should Be Made Public
Share the secret --
Information leaked by corporate and government insiders and new scientific studies show that our basic food supply is laced with a deadly toxic chemical that seeps deep into living cells and kills them by destroying their cell structure, biologically, from within. Evidence shows that this chemical agent first began appearing in our food in 1996 and now, less than 20 years later, it’s present in over 90% of our food supply (with government approval and little or no over-site). Never in recorded history has there been the epidemic of health issues facing us today such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes, auto-immune diseases, gut disorders,  autism and infertility were rare or unheard of in the general population before 1996. Today, processed foods, gluten, sugar, milk and additives are being blamed for most allergies and chronic diseases. Although some of these foods may not have been around before 1996 – most of the food that was safely consumed prior to 1996 would now be considered unhealthy. Foods such as simple carbohydrates, bread (including the gluten), corn, sugar, candy, soda pop, as well as milk, processed meats and fast foods were part of everyday life in 1996. So what has changed? Why were these foods considered healthy and nutritious in 1996 but not today? While it is a common belief that today’s current chronic disease and health crises are all caused by multiple, unconnected agents such as food allergies, environmental pollutants, gluten, dairy, sugar and prescription antibiotics, it’s much more reasonable that these chronic diseases and challenging health problems all have one common root cause. Fortunately, the Paleo diet, organic and most natural whole foods provides a ready defence and solution for this food contamination. Following is an introduction to what Paleo is all about and how it can protect us from The Devil's Brew.

Poison In Our Food - Recovery

Health News Should Be Made Public
Share the secret….
It can’t be stressed strongly enough that the single most important thing you can do to protect your health is to stop eating any food that may be contaminated by Glyphosate (Roundup). Monsanto patenting Glyphosate as an antibiotic says it all. By definition an antibiotic is “anti-life”, a poison, meaning it destroys life and I know from experience how damaging an antibiotic can be to your digestive and immune systems. During the dark ages, whenever some unexplained disastrous event happened, such as a farmer’s cow dying, commonly a neighbour was accused of witchcraft and perhaps burned at the stake. Similarly, when we started seeing a drastic rise in chronic diseases and stomach problems, everyone started pointing fingers at wheat gluten, milk, sugar and any number of food additives. Anything that could possibly be the cause of these health issues was fair game. Unfortunately, the most likely suspect, Glyphosate, a hidden poisonous contaminant buried deep inside of our food, was never accused… because no one knew anything about it. Glyphosate, backed by lobbyists with power and money, received full (unrestricted) support of the Government’s Food and Drug Administration. And we all know, if a food product or additive is approved by the FDA then it must be safe. Right? Only now, are we beginning to hear about how dangerous Glyphosate really is from independent science labs around the world and we must wonder who the FDA is really trying to protect. In this case it’s certainty is not you or I, the consumer. Demonstrate your outrage over Glyphosate by refusing to eat any food that may be contaminated by Roundup. Not only will you be protecting your own health, you’ll also be sending a message to both Monsanto and the Government telling them exactly what you think of their despicable conduct.
It can’t be stressed strongly enough that the single most important thing you can do to protect your health is to stop eating any food that may be contaminated by Glyphosate  (Roundup). Monsanto patenting Glyphosate as an antibiotic says it all. By definition an antibiotic is “anti-life”, a poison, meaning it destroys life and I know from experience how damaging an antibiotic can be to your digestive and immune systems. During the dark ages, whenever some unexplained disastrous event happened, such as a farmer’s cow dying, commonly a neighbour was accused of witchcraft and perhaps burned at the stake. Similarly, when we started seeing a drastic rise in chronic diseases and stomach problems, everyone started pointing fingers at wheat gluten, milk, sugar and any number of food additives. Anything that could possibly be the cause of these health issues was fair game. Unfortunately, the most likely suspect, Glyphosate, a hidden poisonous contaminant buried deep inside of our food, was never accused… because no one knew anything about it. Glyphosate, backed by lobbyists with power and money, received full (unrestricted) support of the Government’s Food and Drug Administration. And we all know, if a food product or additive is approved by the FDA then it must be safe. Right? Only now, are we beginning to hear about how dangerous Glyphosate really is from independent science labs around the world and we must wonder who the FDA is really trying to protect. In this case it’s certainty is not you or I, the consumer. Demonstrate your outrage over Glyphosate by refusing to eat any food that may be contaminated by Roundup. Not only will you be protecting your own health, you’ll also be sending a message to both Monsanto and the Government telling them exactly what you think of their despicable conduct.
A better future depends on you The Paleo Diet/Life Style can help you escape the dangers associated with Glyphosate (Roundup) contamination -- help you start healing the damage that may already be done to your body and help prevent further damage from occurring. The single biggest hurdle you need to overcome is your own attitude towards the importance of eating healthy food. If you are a typical consumer you are already addicted to the junk food that is poisoning your body, junk food that is scientifically formulated with additives so you become addicted to it’s taste and texture. Junk food addiction can be just as hard to break as cocaine or heroin. Another hurdle to over come is the fact that the food industry itself is addicted to the money they make selling cheap chemically laced products. Health and nutrition do not get any consideration in their board rooms and big agribusiness will resist any change that cuts into their bottom line. Corporations are the psychopaths of the business world. They do not have a  conscience. They will do anything or sell anything, even if they know it’s harmful to consumers. Look at tobacco industry corporations for example. Farmers are still growing tobacco and cigarettes are still being manufactured even though tobacco products have been proven harmful and even deadly. When sales started dropping in their traditional markets, because of tighter restrictions and health concious consumers… they moved their sales to children in third world counties where consumers are more ignorant of the dangers. If we, as consumers, want to stop the sale and use of Roundup and Roundup Ready crops we must demand better food and food regulations. We must force the farmers to stop using those products by refusing to buy their poison laced products. Money talks. As more and more consumers start demanding organic food (and paying for it)… then more and more farmers will start growing it. How can you do your part? If you know a farmer, make them aware of the damage that using Roundup does. Actively look for organic farmers and organic products in your neighbourhood and support them by buying their products. The more you buy the more they grow. The more you eat the better you feel.
A better future depends on you The Paleo Diet/Life Style can help you escape the dangers associated with Glyphosate (Roundup) contamination -- help you start healing the damage that may already be done to your body and help prevent further damage from occurring. The single biggest hurdle you need to overcome is your own attitude towards the importance of eating healthy food. If you are a typical consumer you are already addicted to the junk food that is poisoning your body, junk food that is scientifically formulated with additives so you become addicted to it’s taste and texture. Junk food addiction can be just as hard to break as cocaine or heroin. Another hurdle to over come is the fact that the food industry itself is addicted to the money they make selling cheap chemically laced products. Health and nutrition do not get any consideration in their board rooms and big agribusiness will resist any change that cuts into their bottom line. Corporations are the psychopaths of the business world. They do not have a  conscience. They will do anything or sell anything, even if they know it’s harmful to consumers. Look at tobacco industry corporations for example. Farmers are still growing tobacco and cigarettes are still being manufactured even though tobacco products have been proven harmful and even deadly. When sales started dropping in their traditional markets, because of tighter restrictions and health concious consumers… they moved their sales to children in third world counties where consumers are more ignorant of the dangers. If we, as consumers, want to stop the sale and use of Roundup and Roundup Ready crops we must demand better food and food regulations. We must force the farmers to stop using those products by refusing to buy their poison laced products. Money talks. As more and more consumers start demanding organic food (and paying for it)… then more and more farmers will start growing it. How can you do your part? If you know a farmer, make them aware of the damage that using Roundup does. Actively look for organic farmers and organic products in your neighbourhood and support them by buying their products. The more you buy the more they grow. The more you eat the better you feel.  

One of the first things you need to do to start recovering from the poison in our

food is to stop eating Glyphosate (Roundup) contaminated food and to eliminate all

traces of this deadly chemical as quickly as possible.

Although purists would frown, If you simply switch over to the Paleo diet/lifestyle

and stay away from processed and contaminated foods, over time your body will

slowly rid itself of any toxins in your body.

The Best Detox Method: Stop Eating Processed Junk

In modern times, few people have the time or acreage to plant their own fruits and

vegetables using natural fertilizers and no pesticides. This is how things used to be

before everything went through a manufacturing plant prior to  arriving at your

grocery store.

Grocery store foods are generally canned, packaged or frozen—all of them

processed.  Think of the aisles of processed cereals, canned vegetables, and snack

foods.  These areas of the supermarket are far greater than the produce section,

which is where you want to buy most of your food.  Foods not labeled “organic” are

likely sprayed with pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, therefore taxing your liver that

must break down these processing agents so they aren’t dangerous to your system. 

While there are things like detoxifying 3 day juice fasts, it is ideal if you stay away

from the damaging foods altogether so you are detoxifying your liver on a regular

basis.  Processed foods and foods contaminated by fertilizers, pesticides and

poisons like Glyphosate (Roundup) wear down the liver, making it overworked and

inefficient.  When you adopt a detoxifying diet, you can de-stress your liver and

allow it to regenerate itself into its best operating state.  Going through a detoxifying

procedure will speed the recovery process and get you healthier faster.

Detoxifying your body

Poison In Our Food - Recovery

One of the first things you need to do to start recovering from

the poison in our food is to stop eating Glyphosate (Roundup)

contaminated food and to eliminate all traces of this deadly

chemical as quickly as possible.

Although purists would frown, If you simply switch over to

the Paleo diet/lifestyle and stay away from processed and

contaminated foods, over time your body will slowly rid

itself of any toxins in your body.

The Best Detox Method: Stop Eating Processed Junk

In modern times, few people have the time or acreage to

plant their own fruits and vegetables using natural fertilizers

and no pesticides. This is how things used to be before

everything went through a manufacturing plant prior to 

arriving at your grocery store.

Grocery store foods are generally canned, packaged or

frozen—all of them processed.  Think of the aisles of

processed cereals, canned vegetables, and snack foods. 

These areas of the supermarket are far greater than the

produce section, which is where you want to buy most of

your food.  Foods not labeled “organic” are likely sprayed with

pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, therefore taxing your liver

that must break down these processing agents so they aren’t

dangerous to your system. 

While there are things like detoxifying 3 day juice fasts, it is

ideal if you stay away from the damaging foods altogether so

you are detoxifying your liver on a regular basis.  Processed

foods and foods contaminated by fertilizers, pesticides and

poisons like Glyphosate (Roundup) wear down the liver,

making it overworked and inefficient.  When you adopt a

detoxifying diet, you can de-stress your liver and allow it to

regenerate itself into its best operating state.  Going through

a detoxifying procedure will speed the recovery process and

get you healthier faster.

Detoxifying your body

Poison In Our Food - Recovery

Your detoxifying diet

To some people, true detoxifying can only be done by fasting with water alone.  This

puts no stress on the liver, allows it to “clean house” and prepares it to eat healthy

foods with a maximum of detoxifying power. This usually does the job quicker but it

can be brutal and difficult to maintain.

However a detoxifying diet can be made gentler by choosing natural detoxifying

foods as the basis of your detoxifying strategy.  Such a detoxifying diet can provide

you with loads of energy and maximal mental clarity.

Start this kind of diet with a trip to the store.  Pick up organic fruits and vegetables

that naturally detoxify you, such as cilantro, chlorella, garlic, lemons, limes and

oranges.  Mung beans are also naturally detoxifying and are easily digested by the

digestive tract.  Choose juices that contain a lot of vitamin C, which are high in water

and will flush your system with detoxifying chemicals. 

Think about buying a juicer in which you can juice collard greens, kale, mustard

greens and apples or pears for sweetness.  This provides you with a maximum of

detoxifying power and replaces unhealthy processed snacks you can find elsewhere

in the store.  Juices will provide your body with caloric energy without the processed

bad foods you shouldn’t be eating.

NOTE: While a juicer can provide clean refreshing and nutritious drinks, it can

be very hard on the pocketbook. Perhaps a better choice for creating detox

juices would be to use a blender instead of a juicer. By using a blender you will

retain all of the goodness of the fruits and vegetable including the natural plant

fibre and other nutrients that juicers remove and gets thrown away.

While eliminating junk foods, you will be replacing them with juiced or whole organic

fruits and vegetables, taken in every 90 minutes or so.  Taking in food close together

will keep your body from getting hungry or feeling deprived.  You will crave

processed, sweet and salty foods less and it will only get better as time goes on. 

Your detoxifying diet

To some people, true detoxifying can only be done by fasting

with water alone.  This puts no stress on the liver, allows it to

“clean house” and prepares it to eat healthy foods with a

maximum of detoxifying power. This usually does the job

quicker but it can be brutal and difficult to maintain.

However a detoxifying diet can be made gentler by choosing

natural detoxifying foods as the basis of your detoxifying

strategy.  Such a detoxifying diet can provide you with loads

of energy and maximal mental clarity.

Start this kind of diet with a trip to the store.  Pick up organic

fruits and vegetables that naturally detoxify you, such as

cilantro, chlorella, garlic, lemons, limes and oranges.  Mung

beans are also naturally detoxifying and are easily digested

by the digestive tract.  Choose juices that contain a lot of

vitamin C, which are high in water and will flush your system

with detoxifying chemicals. 

Think about buying a juicer in which you can juice collard

greens, kale, mustard greens and apples or pears for

sweetness.  This provides you with a maximum of detoxifying

power and replaces unhealthy processed snacks you can find

elsewhere in the store.  Juices will provide your body with

caloric energy without the processed bad foods you shouldn’t

be eating.

NOTE: While a juicer can provide clean refreshing and

nutritious drinks, it can be very hard on the pocketbook.

Perhaps a better choice for creating detox juices would

be to use a blender instead of a juicer. By using a

blender you will retain all of the goodness of the fruits

and vegetable including the natural plant fibre and other

nutrients that juicers remove and gets thrown away.

While eliminating junk foods, you will be replacing them with

juiced or whole organic fruits and vegetables, taken in every

90 minutes or so.  Taking in food close together will keep your

body from getting hungry or feeling deprived.  You will crave

processed, sweet and salty foods less and it will only get

better as time goes on. 

 Added Benefits of a Detoxifying Diet

The foods you eat in a detoxifying diet will also help you lose weight. Without the

added sugar and fat found in junky processed foods, you will naturally take on fewer

calories.  A diet of fruits and detoxifying vegetables contains fewer calories than a

highly processed diet. A third of our population is overweight and could use a diet

that can do the double duty of helping you lose weight and keeping toxins from

overtaxing the liver.

You don’t have to stick with juices or even whole fruits and vegetables. Miso soup

will help you fill up, especially with chopped sea vegetables in it.  Brown rice adds

fiber and bulk to your stools and is naturally nontoxic, especially if you buy organic

foods.  With brown rice, you get a load of B vitamins, which act on your body to

reduce stress.  You’ll sleep better at night and your body will naturally flush out your

colon each morning.

Further detoxify your body with probiotics (healthy bacteria in capsule form or in

yogurt), herbal laxative agents and antioxidants. Your cleansed body can be further

purified externally through massage, baths containing aromatherapy oils or

meditation exercises. 

Detox Versus Fasting

The world is filled with toxins—in the food, we eat, in the air, we breathe, and in the

water, we drink. Many of our foods are loaded with toxic pesticides and

preservatives to keep the food on the supermarket shelves and to grow large

quantities of foods, usually imported from foreign countries that don’t have strict

laws on what types of pesticides to use on growing foods.

People have increasingly turned to fasting and detoxification programs to clean out

the body, especially the colon and to return the body to a natural, healthy state.

However, detoxification programs and fasting is not the same thing, even though

many people use these terms interchangeably.

 Added Benefits of a Detoxifying Diet

The foods you eat in a detoxifying diet will also help you lose

weight. Without the added sugar and fat found in junky

processed foods, you will naturally take on fewer calories.  A

diet of fruits and detoxifying vegetables contains fewer

calories than a highly processed diet. A third of our

population is overweight and could use a diet that can do the

double duty of helping you lose weight and keeping toxins

from overtaxing the liver.

You don’t have to stick with juices or even whole fruits and

vegetables. Miso soup will help you fill up, especially with

chopped sea vegetables in it.  Brown rice adds fiber and bulk

to your stools and is naturally nontoxic, especially if you buy

organic foods.  With brown rice, you get a load of B vitamins,

which act on your body to reduce stress.  You’ll sleep better at

night and your body will naturally flush out your colon each


Further detoxify your body with probiotics (healthy bacteria

in capsule form or in yogurt), herbal laxative agents and

antioxidants. Your cleansed body can be further purified

externally through massage, baths containing aromatherapy

oils or meditation exercises. 

Detox Versus Fasting

The world is filled with toxins—in the food, we eat, in the air,

we breathe, and in the water, we drink. Many of our foods are

loaded with toxic pesticides and preservatives to keep the

food on the supermarket shelves and to grow large quantities

of foods, usually imported from foreign countries that don’t

have strict laws on what types of pesticides to use on growing


People have increasingly turned to fasting and detoxification

programs to clean out the body, especially the colon and to

return the body to a natural, healthy state. However,

detoxification programs and fasting is not the same thing,

even though many people use these terms interchangeably.

Strictly speaking, detox is the process of using different foods and techniques to get

rid of the toxic waste accumulated in the body, particularly in areas such as the liver.

Fasting involves severely restricting the number of calories you take in for several

days in a row, either by drinking water alone or using limited calories in juices. Some

diets meet the criteria for both fasting and detoxing.

What are the benefits of fasting?

Fasting, which can involve taking in no calories, will also starve any bacterial,

parasitic, viral or fungal infections that might be brewing, especially in the gut. 

Fasting clears out the taste buds so when you stop the fast, healthy foods will

taste better than ever before. 

It is a process that can depress your overall appetite so, when you cease doing

the fast, you will not be as hungry, and you may continue to lose weight. 

If you are trying to lose weight, fasting can help you lose several pounds over a

brief period of time. It improves your psychological resistance so you can

continue on a healthy weight loss plan.

You may also have so many toxins in the gut that food is difficult to digest.

Fasting can clear out these toxins so that your gut can heal and better digest

healthy, low calorie foods. The body often needs some kind of support to detoxify

itself and a fast can do just that. The body is flushed out and it will function better.


Strictly speaking, detox is the process of using different foods

and techniques to get rid of the toxic waste accumulated in

the body, particularly in areas such as the liver. Fasting

involves severely restricting the number of calories you take

in for several days in a row, either by drinking water alone or

using limited calories in juices. Some diets meet the criteria

for both fasting and detoxing.

What are the benefits of fasting?

Fasting, which can involve taking in no calories, will also

starve any bacterial, parasitic, viral or fungal infections

that might be brewing, especially in the gut. 

Fasting clears out the taste buds so when you stop the

fast, healthy foods will taste better than ever before. 

It is a process that can depress your overall appetite so,

when you cease doing the fast, you will not be as

hungry, and you may continue to lose weight. 

If you are trying to lose weight, fasting can help you lose

several pounds over a brief period of time. It improves

your psychological resistance so you can continue on a

healthy weight loss plan.

You may also have so many toxins in the gut that food is

difficult to digest.

Fasting can clear out these toxins so that your gut can heal

and better digest healthy, low calorie foods. The body often

needs some kind of support to detoxify itself and a fast can

do just that. The body is flushed out and it will function



There are other vegetables that are natural detoxifiers. These include garlic,

turmeric, cilantro, and cabbage. A good cabbage soup, made ahead and eaten with

meals, is a good way to detoxify the body and fill up with calories that will help you

lose weight. Some vegetables can be eaten with brown rice and herbs to spice up

flavor and add fiber to your diet. The natural enzymes contained in vegetable

detoxifying diets can aid in detoxification and rebuilding the body’s energy.

How does the detoxification work?

We detoxify in several ways. First, we provide foods that flush out the colon of

unhealthy bacteria that make toxins in our gut. We can also activate the liver to

better detoxify the preservatives, pesticides and other toxins so the body works

better. Finally, the metabolic products of toxins can safely be eliminated in the urine.

This is partly why it is a good idea to drink plenty of water during the detoxifying


Natural Is Always Best

Detoxifying naturally with plant foods, fresh juices is optimal as opposed to

spending a fortune on some of the overhyped detox products on the market. If you

do decide to use some type of product do some research, and make sure it is safe.

It is always a good idea to check with your doctor before starting any type of detox

or fasting program. 

There are other vegetables that are natural detoxifiers. These

include garlic, turmeric, cilantro, and cabbage. A good

cabbage soup, made ahead and eaten with meals, is a good

way to detoxify the body and fill up with calories that will help

you lose weight. Some vegetables can be eaten with brown

rice and herbs to spice up flavor and add fiber to your diet.

The natural enzymes contained in vegetable detoxifying diets

can aid in detoxification and rebuilding the body’s energy.

How does the detoxification work?

We detoxify in several ways. First, we provide foods that flush

out the colon of unhealthy bacteria that make toxins in our

gut. We can also activate the liver to better detoxify the

preservatives, pesticides and other toxins so the body works

better. Finally, the metabolic products of toxins can safely be

eliminated in the urine. This is partly why it is a good idea to

drink plenty of water during the detoxifying process.

Natural Is Always Best

Detoxifying naturally with plant foods, fresh juices is optimal

as opposed to spending a fortune on some of the overhyped

detox products on the market. If you do decide to use some

type of product do some research, and make sure it is safe.

It is always a good idea to check with your doctor before

starting any type of detox or fasting program. 

Master Detox - jump start strategy… (task -- difficult)

With only 4 master detox ingredients it's easy to make this 'lemonade'. The mixture

works exceptionally well at helping you detoxify your body while losing some

unwanted body fat. In 10 days you can be healthier, less toxic, and lighter. But, it's

not going to be easy, you're going to need to be very motivated and disciplined if

you want to get through the cleanse successfully.

Before you even attempt the cleanse you should take some time to get yourself

ready for the experience. There are a few things that you can do that will greatly

increase the chances that you'll get through the whole 10 days. First things first

though, for those of you who aren't familiar with the master detox, it's simply a 10

day liquid diet that washes excess body fat and toxins from your body.

You mix up a lemonade mixture which will be your primary source of nutrition for

the cleanse. If that gets too boring you can add tea, water, and clear broth, but that's

it. No solid food at all. In preparation make sure you cut way back on the calories

you take in for a day or two before you start the cleanse. You should also make sure

you stay well hydrated before, during and after the cleanse.

Make sure you talk to your doctor first if you have any health issue or are taking any

medications.  If you feel dizzy, sick to your stomach or disoriented, stop the cleanse

and call your doctor.

You may want to start a journal so you can record the changes in your body. You will

urinate more and have more frequent bowel movements, this is all good. It's a sign

that the toxins are being flushed out of your body.

It's not uncommon for people to feel a little bit worse the first few days of the

cleanse. This is because all the toxins are working their way out of your body.  It

shouldn't last the whole 10 days, it usually gets better by about day 4.

10 Day Master Detox and Cleanse

Poison In Our Food - Recovery

Master Detox - jump start strategy… (task -- difficult)

With only 4 master detox ingredients it's easy to make this

'lemonade'. The mixture works exceptionally well at helping

you detoxify your body while losing some unwanted body fat.

In 10 days you can be healthier, less toxic, and lighter. But, it's

not going to be easy, you're going to need to be very

motivated and disciplined if you want to get through the

cleanse successfully.

Before you even attempt the cleanse you should take some

time to get yourself ready for the experience. There are a few

things that you can do that will greatly increase the chances

that you'll get through the whole 10 days. First things first

though, for those of you who aren't familiar with the master

detox, it's simply a 10 day liquid diet that washes excess body

fat and toxins from your body.

You mix up a lemonade mixture which will be your primary

source of nutrition for the cleanse. If that gets too boring you

can add tea, water, and clear broth, but that's it. No solid food

at all. In preparation make sure you cut way back on the

calories you take in for a day or two before you start the

cleanse. You should also make sure you stay well hydrated

before, during and after the cleanse.

Make sure you talk to your doctor first if you have any

health issue or are taking any medications.  If you feel dizzy,

sick to your stomach or disoriented, stop the cleanse and

call your doctor.

You may want to start a journal so you can record the

changes in your body. You will urinate more and have more

frequent bowel movements, this is all good. It's a sign that the

toxins are being flushed out of your body.

It's not uncommon for people to feel a little bit worse the first

few days of the cleanse. This is because all the toxins are

working their way out of your body.  It shouldn't last the

whole 10 days, it usually gets better by about day 4.

10 Day Master Detox and Cleanse

Poison In Our Food - Recovery

As important as the preparation is before the cleanse, what you do after the cleanse

is also very important. If you try and go out and splurge on a big meal when you're

done with the cleanse you'll most likely make yourself sick. You should slowly start

introducing solid foods back into your diet over a period of days.

Start with light foods like salad and soup and work your way up, slowly, to more

filling foods like meat and carbohydrates.  This is the perfect time to transition over

exclusively to the Paleo lifestyle because once you've detoxed your body, cleansing

and removing as many toxins as possible, you don’t want to continue eating foods

that are contaminated with toxins and poisons like Glyphosate (Roundup).


Here are the ingredients you'll need to make a pitcher of the cleanse. Do this every

morning and you can get a glass whenever you want to during the day:

12 Tablespoons each of fresh squeezed lemon juice and maple syrup, 1/2 teaspoon

of cayenne pepper and 60 ounces of water. Just mix all these master cleanse

ingredients together in a pitcher and you're ready to go.

As important as the preparation is before the cleanse, what

you do after the cleanse is also very important. If you try and

go out and splurge on a big meal when you're done with the

cleanse you'll most likely make yourself sick. You should

slowly start introducing solid foods back into your diet over a

period of days.

Start with light foods like salad and soup and work your way

up, slowly, to more filling foods like meat and carbohydrates. 

This is the perfect time to transition over exclusively to the

Paleo lifestyle because once you've detoxed your body,

cleansing and removing as many toxins as possible, you don’t

want to continue eating foods that are contaminated with

toxins and poisons like Glyphosate (Roundup).


Here are the ingredients you'll need to make a pitcher of the

cleanse. Do this every morning and you can get a glass

whenever you want to during the day:

12 Tablespoons each of fresh squeezed lemon juice and

maple syrup, 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 60 ounces

of water. Just mix all these master cleanse ingredients

together in a pitcher and you're ready to go.

If you are a victim of “Poison In Our Food” (and who isn’t) then you will require a number of supplements to help you recover or at least improve your level of health. Unfortunately, depending on the level of damage, you may need to take some of these supplements for some time. Here are a few core supplements I have personally found helpful for repairing the damage done by Glyphosate. Probiotics L-Glutamine Digestive Enzymes Betaine HCI Caprylic Acid Probiotics: can help support a positive balance of micro flora in the intestines. Supplementing with probiotics may help to restore and maintain friendly bacteria colonies that were depleted by stress, antibiotics and gastrointestinal disturbances. Get the highest number of CFU’s (30-50 billion etc.) and number strains you can afford. L-Glutamine: used for rebuilding and maintaining a healthy gut lining, recovery from Leaky Gut and supporting the immune system. Digestive enzymes: are essential to the body's absorption and full use of food. The capacity of the body to make enzymes diminishes with age, and therefore the efficiency of digestion declines. Betaine HCl: may support the stomach’s digestive capacity and to help to stimulate the body’s production of digestive enzymes. Caprylic Acid: supports healthy digestion through its ability to promote a healthy balance of intestinal flora. It also has anti-fungal properties and has been used for candidiasis and treating other infections.
Once destroyed by Glyphosate, the thousands of strains of micro flora can never be replaced except perhaps by a fecal transplant. Taking supplemental probiotics can only replace 4 - 12 strains.  Probiotics


Poison In Our Food - Recovery

If you are a victim of “Poison In Our Food” (and who isn’t) then you will require a number of supplements to help you recover or at least improve your level of health. Unfortunately, depending on the level of damage, you may need to take some of these supplements for some time. Here are a few core supplements I have personally found helpful for repairing the damage done by Glyphosate. Probiotics L-Glutamine Digestive Enzymes Betaine HCI Caprylic Acid Probiotics: can help support a positive balance of micro flora in the intestines. Supplementing with probiotics may help to restore and maintain friendly bacteria colonies that were depleted by stress, antibiotics and gastrointestinal disturbances. Get the highest number of CFU’s (30-50 billion etc.) and number strains you can afford. L-Glutamine: used for rebuilding and maintaining a healthy gut lining, recovery from Leaky Gut and supporting the immune system. Digestive enzymes: are essential to the body's absorption and full use of food. The capacity of the body to make enzymes diminishes with age, and therefore the efficiency of digestion declines. Betaine HCl: may support the stomach’s digestive capacity and to help to stimulate the body’s production of digestive enzymes. Caprylic Acid: supports healthy digestion through its ability to promote a healthy balance of intestinal flora. It also has anti- fungal properties and has been used for candidiasis and treating other infections.
Once destroyed by Glyphosate, the thousands of strains of micro flora can never be replaced except perhaps by a fecal transplant. Taking supplemental probiotics can only replace 4 - 12 strains.  Probiotics


Poison In Our Food - Recovery

Other specific supplements may also be required to help repair the immune system, such as: Serrazimes Beta-Glucans CoQ10 – Ubiquinol NAC – N-Acetyl Cysteine Oregano Oil Olive Leaf Extract Serrazimes: may help maintain and support cardiovascular and lymphatic health through its ability to help break down excess fibrin. Serrazimes may also help support the immune system and promote a healthy response to external stresses. Beta-Glucans: may help to support a healthy immune system through its ability to maintain and modulate several aspects of immune function, including macrophage activity and immunoglobulin production. CoQ10 or Ubiquinol: In every cell in your body, there are small "engines" called mitochondria. Ninety-five percent of the total energy created within the body comes from these mitochondria, and none of it can take place without CoQ10. The brain requires active and healthy mitochondria to function properly and do its job.  NAC: supports the production and utilization of glutathione, the foremost protective and regulatory antioxidant naturally concentrated in all healthy cells. NAC is particularly important to suffers of COPD or Emphysema and other similar lung diseases because it helps to loosen lung congestion and clear the lung passages for easier breathing.  Oregano Oil: oregano is used to support digestive, respiratory and joint health. Recent in vitro research indicates that carvacrol, an active constituent of oil of oregano, may provide support to the immune system. Olive Leaf Extract: works as an excellent anti-pathogenic supplement and can be used as a way to rid the body of mold and other fungi. Turpentine - taken orally: is an excellent anti-pathogenic supplement and can be used as a way to rid the body of mold and other fungi like Candidiasis.  
Other specific supplements may also be required to help repair the immune system, such as: Serrazimes Beta-Glucans CoQ10 – Ubiquinol NAC – N-Acetyl Cysteine Oregano Oil Olive Leaf Extract Serrazimes: may help maintain and support cardiovascular and lymphatic health through its ability to help break down excess fibrin. Serrazimes may also help support the immune system and promote a healthy response to external stresses. Beta-Glucans: may help to support a healthy immune system through its ability to maintain and modulate several aspects of immune function, including macrophage activity and immunoglobulin production. CoQ10 or Ubiquinol: In every cell in your body, there are small "engines" called mitochondria. Ninety-five percent of the total energy created within the body comes from these mitochondria, and none of it can take place without CoQ10. The brain requires active and healthy mitochondria to function properly and do its job.  NAC: supports the production and utilization of glutathione, the foremost protective and regulatory antioxidant naturally concentrated in all healthy cells. NAC is particularly important to suffers of COPD or Emphysema and other similar lung diseases because it helps to loosen lung congestion and clear the lung passages for easier breathing.  Oregano Oil: oregano is used to support digestive, respiratory and joint health. Recent in vitro research indicates that carvacrol, an active constituent of oil of oregano, may provide support to the immune system. Olive Leaf Extract: works as an excellent anti-pathogenic supplement and can be used as a way to rid the body of mold and other fungi. Turpentine - taken orally: is an excellent anti-pathogenic supplement and can be used as a way to rid the body of mold and other fungi like Candidiasis.  
For more detailed instructions for working with chronic diseases you should look for publications dealing with each specific illness. Below are links for a few such books available through  How I Cured My Mother’s Emphysema” by W.G. Miller Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch The Wahls Protocol “How I Beat Progressive MS” by Terry Wahls M.D. If you cannot find publication for your particular illness do some research on the web to find recommended supplements suggested by user groups and forums.
For more detailed instructions for working with chronic diseases you should look for publications dealing with each specific illness. Below are links for a few such books available through  How I Cured My Mother’s Emphysema” by W.G. Miller Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch The Wahls Protocol “How I Beat Progressive MS” by Terry Wahls M.D. If you cannot find publication for your particular illness do some research on the web to find recommended supplements suggested by user groups and forums.
One of the most diabolical, pervasive and difficult to control conditions plaguing the modern processed food world is the yeast infection know as Candida. Everyone is infected with candida to some degree and under normal conditions the body’s own immune system keeps it in check. However, when our gut biome and immune systems become compromised by antibiotics (or Glyphosate food poisoning) molds, mildews, fungi’s, and candida can spread explosively throughout the body causing immeasurable damage and chaos. Candida thrives on starch and sugar so the typical processed food eaten by most people is a perfect growing medium. The root cause of many health conditions can be traced to life style Candidiasis, which is a fungal infection due to any type of Candida (a type of yeast).  Intestinally, an overgrowth of candida yeast first begins its attack in the small intestines where it steals nutrition from the body to fuel its own growth. As it continues to spread it can escape into the blood stream, and it becomes a living, breathing growing fungus (referred to as Candidiasis). Once in the blood system, Candidiasis begins invading vital organs like the heart, kidney, liver and even the brain. Candidiasis causes many health problems such as fatigue, fogginess, thrush, urinary problems and skin conditions --  the list is endless.  Modern medicine finds treating and controlling Candidiasis extremely difficult or impossible. Antibiotics rarely completely cures Candidiasis but only temporarily suppress these colonies of hardy fungal organisms, they are in fact tougher to get rid then bacterial infections. Using the recommended treatments, infected people can struggle for months to find relief - or not. There is a treatment perfect for getting rid of Candida quickly and safely. Used throughout history as a “cure all” wonder drug, Turpentine is proven effective against fungus, yeast, molds, worms and other intestinal pathogens (without killing the good gut biome or damaging the liver and other internal organs).

Candida (yeast)

Poison In Our Food - Recovery

One of the most diabolical, pervasive and difficult to control conditions plaguing the modern processed food world is the yeast infection know as Candida. Everyone is infected with candida to some degree and under normal conditions the body’s own immune system keeps it in check. However, when our gut biome and immune systems become compromised by antibiotics (or Glyphosate food poisoning) molds, mildews, fungi’s, and candida can spread explosively throughout the body causing immeasurable damage and chaos. Candida thrives on starch and sugar so the typical processed food eaten by most people is a perfect growing medium. The root cause of many health conditions can be traced to life style Candidiasis, which is a fungal infection due to any type of Candida (a type of yeast).  Intestinally, an overgrowth of candida yeast first begins its attack in the small intestines where it steals nutrition from the body to fuel its own growth. As it continues to spread it can escape into the blood stream, and it becomes a living, breathing growing fungus (referred to as Candidiasis). Once in the blood system, Candidiasis begins invading vital organs like the heart, kidney, liver and even the brain. Candidiasis causes many health problems such as fatigue, fogginess, thrush, urinary problems and skin conditions --  the list is endless.  Modern medicine finds treating and controlling Candidiasis extremely difficult or impossible. Antibiotics rarely completely cures Candidiasis but only temporarily suppress these colonies of hardy fungal organisms, they are in fact tougher to get rid then bacterial infections. Using the recommended treatments, infected people can struggle for months to find relief - or not. There is a treatment perfect for getting rid of Candida quickly and safely. Used throughout history as a “cure all” wonder drug, Turpentine is proven effective against fungus, yeast, molds, worms and other intestinal pathogens (without killing the good gut biome or damaging the liver and other internal organs).

Candida (yeast)

Poison In Our Food - Recovery

Turpentine has been used as an effective, natural medicine for centuries and it has a proven track record as a “cure all” wonder drug (until it was black listed and labelled a dangerous poison by the pharmaceutical industry in the early 20th Century). After all; what patient, in their right minds, would pay exorbitant prices for a drug that didn’t work and had harmful side effects if they could just use turpentine. Unlike modern pharmaceuticals and their destructive chemical concoctions, turpentine is a cheap, effective medication provided by nature. It is distilled from from the sap of living coniferous trees and contains no man made chemicals or ingredients. As a natural medication it works within the biological boundaries established by nature during a millennium of evolution and it destroys harmful organisms without damaging healthy organs or tissues, which more than can be said of the vast array of pharmaceutical drugs. Deciding to use turpentine as a treatment method is not for the faint of heart because our existing belief systems about doctors and the medical profession are very difficult to overcome. To take advantage of Turpentine’s healing powers a potential user must evaluate conflicting information and historical records and base his decision on his own belief system. This usually amounts to how trustworthy the medical profession is believed to be and whether they have a bias against alternative medicine. Addendum: The following information about turpentine is not to debate whether you should use turpentine… but to inform you of it’s value as an effective treatment option… Use Google to search the growing field of social comments attesting to turpentine’s benefits. Of course the majority of information you’ll find will be the expected dire warnings from the pharmaceutical industry (protecting their own financial interests) and the knee jerk reactions of ill inform and misinformed naysayers. You should base any decision you make on your own research and reach your own conclusions. As with any medical treatment you must follow usage instructions and take note of any warning messages.

Poison In Our Food - Recovery


Turpentine has been used as an effective, natural medicine for centuries and it has a proven track record as a “cure all” wonder drug (until it was black listed and labelled a dangerous poison by the pharmaceutical industry in the early 20th Century). After all; what patient, in their right minds, would pay exorbitant prices for a drug that didn’t work and had harmful side effects if they could just use turpentine. Unlike modern pharmaceuticals and their destructive chemical concoctions, turpentine is a cheap, effective medication provided by nature. It is distilled from from the sap of living coniferous trees and contains no man made chemicals or ingredients. As a natural medication it works within the biological boundaries established by nature during a millennium of evolution and it destroys harmful organisms without damaging healthy organs or tissues, which more than can be said of the vast array of pharmaceutical drugs. Deciding to use turpentine as a treatment method is not for the faint of heart because our existing belief systems about doctors and the medical profession are very difficult to overcome. To take advantage of Turpentine’s healing powers a potential user must evaluate conflicting information and historical records and base his decision on his own belief system. This usually amounts to how trustworthy the medical profession is believed to be and whether they have a bias against alternative medicine. Addendum: The following information about turpentine is not to debate whether you should use turpentine… but to inform you of it’s value as an effective treatment option… Use Google to search the growing field of social comments attesting to turpentine’s benefits. Of course the majority of information you’ll find will be the expected dire warnings from the pharmaceutical industry (protecting their own financial interests) and the knee jerk reactions of ill inform and misinformed naysayers. You should base any decision you make on your own research and reach your own conclusions. As with any medical treatment you must follow usage instructions and take note of any warning messages.

Poison In Our Food - Recovery


From the available information (when taken internally) a standard daily dosage for turpentine is 1 teaspoon (5 ml) plus 1 teaspoon of a buffering agent (Olive Oil). However, a tablespoon dosage of turpentine would not be judged excessive. NOTE: turpentine can be deadly if you aspirate the raw liquid into your lungs.  If you do decide to try turpentine I would strongly suggest that, for your own peace of mind, you should begin treatment with a daily ¼ teaspoon dose. After a few days you could increase the daily dose to ½ teaspoon. Then, after a week of building up your confidence, you should be able to progress to a full 1 teaspoon dosage. Credit for the modern interest in the benefits of Turpentine should be given to Jennifer Daniels, MD, and her PDF file The Candida Cleaner  -- NOTE: Get it before this link is removed from circulation.   Check out “Turpentine as a Medicine?” on by Ryder Management Inc. for more in depth information about Turpentine and its History. Also a good read is a study by Walter Last “KEROSENE – a Universal Healer (Kerosene is similar to turpentine but weaker and less intense and can be found at Walmart in the camping section). Another site with information is The Project Avalon Forum “100% Pure Gum Turpentine & Kerosene - Kill deadly Candida, leave healthy bacteria alone! Also you can watch the YouTube video “Healing with Turpentine” with Tony Pantalleresco. As a tip: I would personally suggest buffering turpentine with olive oil instead of sugar or sugar cubes as recommended by Dr. Jennifer Daniels or honey as recommended by Tony Pantalleresco in his YouTube video. The sugar is dry and difficult to swallow and honey is messy, sticky and difficult to measure. While nothing makes turpentine very palatable, a one to one mixture with olive oil is the easiest to measure and easiest to swallow. (NB: 1tsp = 5 ml) To follow Dr. Daniels recommendation to take sugar with the turpentine (as a method of attacking dormant Candida fungi cells) -- it is best to suck 1 large sugar cube (1 tsp) or two small sugar cubes (1 tsp) or 1 tsp of dry sugar before ingesting the turpentine & olive oil mixture.
From the available information (when taken internally) a standard daily dosage for turpentine is 1 teaspoon (5 ml) plus 1 teaspoon of a buffering agent (Olive Oil). However, a tablespoon dosage of turpentine would not be judged excessive. NOTE: turpentine can be deadly if you aspirate the raw liquid into your lungs.  If you do decide to try turpentine I would strongly suggest that, for your own peace of mind, you should begin treatment with a daily ¼ teaspoon dose. After a few days you could increase the daily dose to ½ teaspoon. Then, after a week of building up your confidence, you should be able to progress to a full 1 teaspoon dosage. Credit for the modern interest in the benefits of Turpentine should be given to Jennifer Daniels, MD, and her PDF file The Candida Cleaner  -- NOTE: Get it before this link is removed from circulation.   Check out “Turpentine as a Medicine?” on by Ryder Management Inc. for more in depth information about Turpentine and its History. Also a good read is a study by Walter Last “KEROSENE – a Universal Healer (Kerosene is similar to turpentine but weaker and less intense and can be found at Walmart in the camping section). Another site with information is The Project Avalon Forum “100% Pure Gum Turpentine & Kerosene - Kill deadly Candida, leave healthy bacteria alone! Also you can watch the YouTube video “Healing with Turpentine” with Tony Pantalleresco. As a tip: I would personally suggest buffering turpentine with olive oil instead of sugar or sugar cubes as recommended by Dr. Jennifer Daniels or honey as recommended by Tony Pantalleresco in his YouTube video. The sugar is dry and difficult to swallow and honey is messy, sticky and difficult to measure. While nothing makes turpentine very palatable, a one to one mixture with olive oil is the easiest to measure and easiest to swallow. (NB: 1tsp = 5 ml) To follow Dr. Daniels recommendation to take sugar with the turpentine (as a method of attacking dormant Candida fungi cells) -- it is best to suck 1 large sugar cube (1 tsp) or  two small sugar cubes (1 tsp) or 1 tsp of dry sugar before  ingesting the turpentine & olive oil mixture.
Sometimes rediscovering health treatments of the past can lead to improvements in our health today. Turpentine and petroleum distillates like kerosene have been used since ancient times for the treatment of diseases. Both were used as a cure-all by American farmers, slaves and seaman in the eighteenth and ninetieth centuries, and it’s use is still widespread in poor areas of Eastern Europe. The oil of turpentine and kerosene are both composed of hydrocarbons which appear to suppress Candida, viruses, fungi and cell wall deficient microbes while not harming normal gut bacteria (biome).  Turpentine and kerosene have been used for centuries as a dependable treatment for a host of healings, from arthritic to respiratory to kidney and organ restoration. It imparts stimulating qualities to the nervous system and opens arterial obstructions in the veins. Turpentine can increase secretions of urine and relieve week flow caused by prostrate problems. It can also relieve back pains as a result of back up from the kidneys and reduce blood in the urine. As a “mustard plaster” it has been used to remove the symptoms and causes of pleurisy. Historically, turpentine was recognized by the medical profession as an effective medication until the early 20th century when it was blacklisted by the developing pharmaceutical industry.  NOTE: on the websites below -- search for turpentine *Turpentine PDF -- International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 2009… summary review -- conclusion… Beneficial to human health and well being and may be used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. *Maryland Medical Journal: Medicine and Surgery, volume 16 (1889)  *The Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal (1830)  *The Dublin Journal of Medical and Chemical science (1834)
Sometimes rediscovering health treatments of the past can lead to improvements in our health today. Turpentine and petroleum distillates like kerosene have been used since ancient times for the treatment of diseases. Both were used as a cure-all by American farmers, slaves and seaman in the eighteenth and ninetieth centuries, and it’s use is still widespread in poor areas of Eastern Europe. The oil of turpentine and kerosene are both composed of hydrocarbons which appear to suppress Candida, viruses, fungi and cell wall deficient microbes while not harming normal gut bacteria (biome).  Turpentine and kerosene have been used for centuries as a dependable treatment for a host of healings, from arthritic to respiratory to kidney and organ restoration. It imparts stimulating qualities to the nervous system and opens arterial obstructions in the veins. Turpentine can increase secretions of urine and relieve week flow caused by prostrate problems. It can also relieve back pains as a result of back up from the kidneys and reduce blood in the urine. As a “mustard plaster” it has been used to remove the symptoms and causes of pleurisy. Historically, turpentine was recognized by the medical profession as an effective medication until the early 20th century when it was blacklisted by the developing pharmaceutical industry.  NOTE: on the websites below -- search for turpentine *Turpentine PDF -- International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 2009… summary review - - conclusion… Beneficial to human health and well being and may be used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. *Maryland Medical Journal: Medicine and Surgery, volume 16 (1889)  *The Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal (1830)  *The Dublin Journal of Medical and Chemical science (1834)


Probably the most devastating attack on our health and wellness was Monsanto’s decision to develop, produce and market the weed killer Roundup. While some people think the jury is still out, the evidence continues to mount and Roundup could end up being multiple times more destructive then DDT, PCB, Thalidomide or Agent Orange.  Like the tobacco industry, Monsanto denies any problem with the product or any culpability; regardless of the vast numbers of people who have already developed or will develop chronic diseases; and those who may have already died. In some future time Monsanto may be fairly judge the world’s greatest villain because of Roundup. To defend and protect your health and wellness you need to start living life the Paleo way. Never eat any processed foods; especially those that contain any grain products like corn, wheat, soy or refined sugar. Only eat fresh whole foods and vegetables that are not contaminated by Glyphosate aka Roundup. The more you include wholesome fresh healthy foods in your diet the more you build up an army of nutrients that make your body strong and able to fight off chronic disease and recover from Glyphosate food poisoning.  I predict in the coming months and years you will see an increase in GMO (Roundup) free products on the supermarket shelves. Just within the last few months I’ve noticed breakfast cereals of this nature as well as dry pet foods being advertised as not containing corn or grains. So some food producers are starting to pay attention. BTW: It should also be recognized that cooking also makes a big difference in the value of food, for example, a plain baked potato is a whole nutrient rich food, French fries, not at all. Only use natural cooking oils such as coconut oil, palm oil or olive oil for cooking and stay away from Glyphosate contaminated processed vegetable oils like canola, soy, corn and sunflower oils. A balanced diet filled with a variety of natural foods makes sure that your body gets the proper nourishment, maintains optimal performance, health and wellness, which can serve you well into old age.


Probably the most devastating attack on our health and wellness was Monsanto’s decision to develop, produce and market the weed killer Roundup. While some people think the jury is still out, the evidence continues to mount and Roundup could end up being multiple times more destructive then DDT, PCB, Thalidomide or Agent Orange.  Like the tobacco industry, Monsanto denies any problem with the product or any culpability; regardless of the vast numbers of people who have already developed or will develop chronic diseases; and those who may have already died. In some future time Monsanto may be fairly judge the world’s greatest villain because of Roundup. To defend and protect your health and wellness you need to start living life the Paleo way. Never eat any processed foods; especially those that contain any grain products like corn, wheat, soy or refined sugar. Only eat fresh whole foods and vegetables that are not contaminated by Glyphosate aka Roundup. The more you include wholesome fresh healthy foods in your diet the more you build up an army of nutrients that make your body strong and able to fight off chronic disease and recover from Glyphosate food poisoning.  I predict in the coming months and years you will see an increase in GMO (Roundup) free products on the supermarket shelves. Just within the last few months I’ve noticed breakfast cereals of this nature as well as dry pet foods being advertised as not containing corn or grains. So some food producers are starting to pay attention. BTW: It should also be recognized that cooking also makes a big difference in the value of food, for example, a plain baked potato is a whole nutrient rich food, French fries, not at all. Only use natural cooking oils such as coconut oil, palm oil or olive oil for cooking and stay away from Glyphosate contaminated processed vegetable oils like canola, soy, corn and sunflower oils. A balanced diet filled with a variety of natural foods makes sure that your body gets the proper nourishment, maintains optimal performance, health and wellness, which can serve you well into old age.