The active ingredient Glyphosate (in the herbicide Roundup) works by being
absorbed deep inside the cells of a plant and destroying the plants from within.
The most insidious aspect of the way Glyphosate works is that the poison
cannot be washed off -- it’s deep inside the cells of the food we eat.
Wearing the hat of an antibiotic, Glyphosate residue in our basic food supply targets
and destroys our intestinal flora, resulting in the weakening of our immune systems.
Over time this relentless toxic attack on our microbiome results in functional and
mental illnesses (including intestinal disorders, auto-immune diseases, cancer,
autism, diabetes, obesity, depression, infertility and birth defects). The only way we
can protect ourselves from this deadly poison is to stop eating any food or food
product that may be contaminated with (Roundup).
That means we must stop eating every agriculture grain and grain product,
including but not limited to -- corn and corn products, wheat and wheat products,
oat, barley, rye, and flax products, soy, canola and potato products as well as sugar
products made from sugar beets or sugar cane if they have not certified as organic.
Glyphosate contaminates over 90% of the products in our local supermarkets
including but not limited to flour, bread, buns, crackers, pasta, cereals, soft drinks
and snacks or anything made with or including sugar or any grain or grain products.
Fortunately, the Paleo diet, organic and most natural whole foods provides a ready
defence and solution for Glyphosate (Roundup) contamination.